We’re adding a new section to Restarters.net and we need help deciding what to call it!
Over the last year or so, you may have taken part in the microtask activities we’ve made, like MiscCat, FaultCat or MobiFix. These tasks help us collectively analyse the repair data in the Fixometer to provide insights we can then feed into policy discussions around the Right to Repair.
We’re now making a dashboard for these microtasks and those we create in the future. The dashboard will list the tasks that are currently active and allow you to track your contributions to each. There will also be a section highlighting the impact these tasks have.
The question is, what should we call this dashboard?
We’d love a name would help people intuitively understand what we’re trying to do (and how). It also needs to be short (ideally one word) so that it fits into the interface. We also need to consider how to translate it into other languages.
Our working title is “Upstream" - a reference to magnifying our impact by affecting change higher up in the design and manufacturing process of the products we see at events. But is this too obscure a metaphor? Is it easy to understand? Would you click on ‘Upstream’ in the menu?
Here are some of the names we’ve considered:
Crowd / Crowdsource
Do you like any of these names? Can you think of any better ones?
I actually think what we currently call “Fixometer” contains more access to the contributions and raw data. We’re hoping this area will be more about the analysis and digestion of the data, if that makes sense @Ian_Barnard?
I like Workbench As you say Janet, just ‘Workbench’ in the menu, and ‘Data Workbench’ once you’ve clicked through.
It’s the same number of characters as ‘Fixometer’, so should fit fine.
It’s interesting enough that people might click on it before they know what it is, and once you then see Data Workbench you would pretty quickly get an idea what it’s about. And yes with a good icon (something graph-y on a bench?) it won’t need ‘Data’ in the menu.
Nice feature and nice name !
For the French name, we can go for “Atelier” and “Atelier de données”. @Manu_RepairTogether told me that the term “entrepôt de données” is also used, but it is not really sexy @Estelle_Vercez1 proposed “plateforme” but maybe it is too far from the meaning we want