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Welcome to the Restarters Community!

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We’re a global community of people who are passionate about fixing broken stuff. Together we run repair events around the world where volunteers help people give their possessions a new lease of life. In the process, we spread repair skills and reduce the amount of waste and CO2 we produce.

Everyone is welcome! Whether you’re interested in repair, community events or any of the other topics we talk about, just jump right in!

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Done those? Here are some next steps…

:bulb: Need a hand? Read our guide to using this forum or feel free to ask over in Help & feedback.

This space is run by The Restart Project :restart:, a non-profit that helps people run repair events in their communities and workplaces, campaigns for the Right to Repair and speaks publicly about repair and resilience.

A quick note about privacy :eye:

Some areas of this forum are visible to the public :unlock: and some are members-only :lock:

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These categories are visible to non-registered users (anyone on the internet):

Topics in these categories can be read by anyone with internet access without logging in (and will be indexed by search engines). However, only registered members can post.

All other categories are members-only: they are only visible to people who are registered and logged in. These members-only categories are marked with a padlock symbol :lock: on the category page.

For full context and more information about why some categories are public, head over to this topic.

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