Our work on repair data

This is where we discuss and analyse data on repair.

  • If you have a question :question: on the repair data that has been recorded in the Fixometer, ask it here!
  • If you have done some interesting analysis :bar_chart: on repair data, share it here
  • If you have found an interesting article :newspaper: related to repair data, share it here

Interested in helping us explore our repair data?

We’ve recorded data on around 20,000 repair attempts made at events across the network. We’re trying to use all this data to work out the positive environmental impact we’re having as well as find out why devices break, how they can be fixed and identify systemic barriers to repair.

:bulb: See our discussion about why computers break :bar_chart: to see an example of this in action.

We often have mini-projects involving our repair data that you can get involved in. We’re not running any of these right now, but keep an eye on this area of the forum for news of new projects coming up!

In the meantime, you can read about some of our latest work here:

If you haven’t signed up to this site yet, we’d love to welcome you!
:raised_hand: Sign up here
We’re also on Twitter! twitter_64x64

:bulb: For further information on the data we’ve recorded in the Fixometer and tools you could use to analyse it, there is more information here.