How to power up community repair with

I want to help out online

If there’s nothing happening in your local area yet or you’d prefer to get involved online, there are a number of ways to help the network promote repair.

Explore our repair data

We’ve recorded data on over 16,000 repair attempts made at events across the network. We’re trying to use all this data to work out the positive environmental impact we’re having as well as find out why devices break, how they can be fixed and identify systemic barriers to repair.

:bulb: See our topic about why computers break :bar_chart: to see an example of this in action.

Help us make sense of the repair data we collect.

The easiest way to help us understand our repair data is by starting a quest on our data workbench. Quests are super simple, quick ways to investigate a particular question we have about why our products break. Even 1 minute is enough time to contribute something meaningful!

If you’d like to dive in deeper, we’re always looking for people to help with the following areas:

  • data analysis
  • data visualisation
  • internet research

If you’re interested in helping out, send a message to @Monique, who is co-ordinating this activity.

And be sure to check this topic for a list of current ways to get involved:

Share your repair knowledge

Together, we’re building up a knowledge bank of useful repair information on our Repair Wiki. It’s a place where those of us in the Restart community with experience and skills in mending appliances and gadgets can share them with those who are starting out, or whose own knowledge lies in different areas.

Being a wiki, anyone with an account on Restarters․net is welcome to contribute, by adding to the pages that already exist or by writing new pages that are missing.

If you’re a skilled electronics/electrical repairer and would like to share your expertise with the community, just send a message to @philip who is co-ordinating activity on the Wiki.


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