is an organization of information (“cyber”) security professionals who support the right to repair. Our members are some of the most respected names in the information security field and include executives, researchers, product managers, entrepreneurs and academics.
I messaged them about helping here in Europe and they seemed keen
Their immediate target is US lawmakers, but the message is relevant here too, as tech lobbyists are copy/pasting the same bogus arguments about security.
Agree - but I think the tractor angle is very US. We need to think of our own equivalent in the UK, are there remanufacture/resale businesses in (ex)industrial places ignored by politicians being stymied by barriers to repair?
There may be a corresponding issue with farm equipment over here, but I suspect not so much, due to the smaller size of the industry & the farms, but it may be worth finding out…
The only other professions that I can think of off the top of my head are:
they have trouble cutting keys for proprietary locks, which is touted as a security “feature”, but of course, that’s bogus, since a thief who’s stolen your key isn’t going to bother to get a copy made,
Motor mechanics:
engine management systems & other parts, supposedly for environmental reasons, but again, that’s bogus, because emissions can be tested.
… but they’re both a bit cliquey which may be an issue & I’m loth to get involved with poisonous legacy tech like internal combustion engines (although I’m sure e-cars have similar issues).
Let’s all scratch our heads & see if there’s some more we can come up with.