Climate emergency, Green New Deal and Rapid Transition - opportunities?

Sharing here that Green Alliance is promoting a report about how to reach NetZero, and they cite a really interesting paper on waste/resources in UK industry, and how to reduce its footprint. It’s now six years old, but deserves a close to read to see if they identify any barriers to remanufacture that are also barriers to repair.

For example

The Ellen McArthur Foundation paper on the circular economy calculated that the
collection of 50% of mobile phones (of those, reusing 38%, remanufacturing 41%, and
recycling 21%) would result in a 16% energy use reduction in mobile phone manufacturing.


Manufacturing sub-sectors that offer the greatest opportunities to capture significant value from circular resource use are:
• Electrical, electronic and optical products
• Machinery and equipment
• Transport equipment
For just these three sub-sectors, remanufacturing can create £5.6bn to 8bn p.a. of value for
manufacturers, support over 310,000 new jobs that are skilled and rewarding and reduce UK
greenhouse gas emissions.
The key barriers to achieving these remanufacturing benefits are: senior executive leadership, information, skills, design, infrastructure, legal constraints and collaboration.

So perhaps we need to reframe the British Green New Deal to really focus in on these kind of jobs, and how they can help boost regions that have been overlooked and neglected?

From Green Alliance:

Keeping in mind, the barriers to reuse/reman and repair massively overlap.