Repair advocacy - encouraging volunteers to promote your café

Suggestions invited (please!) on how we can encourage our volunteers to spread the word about our repair café to local businesses and random strangers!

During September we’ve canvassed our volunteers about their experience of being a repair café volunteer, and we’ve had back some great insights - including this one - that we’re already addressing, hence this post!

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Great insight from your survey John!

It’s not quite what you’re asking, but given so many of your volunteers already talk about the Repair Café with people they know, I wonder whether there’s any value in thinking about ways to support or encourage volunteers share additional info related to the Repair Café and the wider issues it helps address?

I’m thinking of things like International Repair Day, Right to Repair campaign actions (like emailing the local MP), info about the benefits of repair (for the climate, people…) and so on.

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In the fullness of time, definitely. In the shorter term, not really!

Just getting them to plug our café to complete strangers is a challenge I’m happy to take on board and run with for the time being.

Our volunteers came to us via the Greening Ringwood community initiative so they’ll already be aware of the general repair agenda in the context of greening and climate change, so I feel its important to focus on café advocacy plain and simple rather than muddy the waters by broadening the message too much!