Navigation feedback

There are a few different menus within and we’d like your feedback on how well they help you to get around.

Top-left menu

Provides access to the different community tools within and to help and advice.

  • Community tools
    • Dashboard/Fixometer
    • Discussion
    • Wiki
    • Repair Directory Admin (for users who currently have access)
  • Other links
    • Help & feedback
    • FAQs
    • The Restart Project

Top menu

Provides access to the things you are familiar with from the Fixometer - events, groups and devices.

  • Events
    • upcoming events you are hosting
    • or a group you are a member of is hosting
    • or that you have said you are attending
  • Groups
    • groups you run or are a member of
    • other groups near to you
  • Devices
    • for hosts, devices fixed at events hosted by your group
    • for other volunteers, list of devices fixed at events you attended
      • (in future, possibly specifically devices you fixed yourself)

Top-right menu

  • Admin-only section
  • Reporting
    • Events Reporting (aggregate reporting on events of your group, for hosts)
    • Volunteer hours
      • aggregate reporting time volunteered at events
      • or for Restarters, report of own time volunteered
  • General
    • Your profile
    • Change password
    • Log Out

How do you feel about the navigation? What should be added/removed?

Reply below! :arrow_down:

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bug Reports

OK, long-term I’d like to be able to search for events, but, since I know that won’t be easy or quick,
in the interim, can we have the pagination of the events page presented at the top as well as the bottom,
so we can quickly flick through the (reverse chronological) list of events?

Thanks @Dave - what’s the specific use case you would like?

e.g. you want to search through all past events from all groups? Or look at past events for your own groups?

Currently you can get all past events for a group by visiting that group and clicking ‘See all events’, which for e.g. Hackney Fixers would take you here: Restarters

We’ll also be adding the event reporting section back in shortly (sometime this week, hopefully) - where you are able to search and filter past events from groups you are a host of, for stats etc.

If it’s a search/filter across all past events for all groups, that’s currently something we only have for admins - we could potentially broaden that out if there was a good use case (and no repercussions!)

Thanks @neil.
Yes, actually, I hadn’t thought of looking at the particular group’s events (the heat is obviously melting my brain).

Even so, once you get past a certain number of events, even for 1 group, it will be useful to have a search capability.

I was actually looking for a particular event where the data was missing in anticipation of filling it in,
but I can imagine looking for a particular device or repair trick (e.g. I remember that someone repaired a hairdryer switch with FORMcard and I want to find out the details).

Also, since groups aren’t necessarily named obviously, how do I find one? (e.g. “Fixers’ Collective” is the name of a group in New York).

So, there are several use cases:

  • Finding a group (to link up with them, curiosity, want to go to one of their events, …)
  • Finding an event (see above)
  • Finding a device/fix

Is there any reason why searching should be restricted to admins?
Everyone can see every event & device from the dashboard, so why shouldn’t everyone be able to search everything too?
I don’t see how it’s exposing anything secret.

That’s cool, funnily enough the Devices search might actually cover that use case as well, although it’s not functional at the moment. Restarters

Good point, we don’t really have a location based group search at the moment. The ‘Groups near you’ will show you the 10 nearest groups to you within a 150 mile radius if you have filled in your town/city, which covers the use case of someone trying to find a group to join. Groups displayed on a map could be a nice way to allow for some more speculative group searching and just getting an idea about the bigger network, or if you’re visiting another part of the world and want to hook up with a local group. (pro tip: as a hack you could temporarily change your town/city)

Not that I can think of off the top of my head, it’s just the way we’ve always had it - admins can view/filter everything, hosts can view/filter for their group - but as you say there’s nothing secret. As a host I’d guess you’d want the default filter to be your group(s) - but with an option to widen that out if needed.

So at the moment when I want to go to anything on the platform I just open a new tab, start entering, hit return (maybe login) and get the dashboard (I’d hope for more personalisation here in the long-run but that’s another reply, if not another thread…) Most often I’m heading for talk…

So I go to the top left menu and select discussion, this opens a new tab…
This basically creates an “orphan” tab, I’m more likely to open a new tab then ever go back…
(and eventually my tab addiction brings down my computer, and that’s a weekly occurrence, and my problem… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

I could, and probably will, just start typing…or use a bookmark but that would be missing
an opportunity to get my “eyes” on hot topics/ whatever on the dashboard…

Agreed, there’s a thread here for the dashboard. An item that’s on the long-term roadmap is “customisable per user”…

It’s a good point, it’s a bit of a debate on the web but the general consensus for links is let the user decide whether to open them in a new tab/window or not, don’t force it on them. Would your personal preference be for the links to open in the current tab? (For the record that would probably be my preference too.)

I think that’s true for quite a lot of people, one thing we’ve discussed quite a bit is have be the first place you land when you log in. The challenge there then is making sure Fixo related stuff doesn’t get missed.