Here’s what we’ve got lined up for Thursday! Each presenter has 5 minutes to spin a yarn, show us something cool, provoke us, inspire us or just present something useful.
(Presenters, let us know if 1) you’d like to change the running order and 2) if you have a slides)
Heh! Re timing, we’re going to be strict about the 5 minutes - to leave space for those who feel spontaneously moved to share.
We’re checking on slides, as the platform we are using is in constant development. If you will not be able to share, we can do for you, and you just ask us to move forward. (Or we can set on Pecha Kucha style “autoplay”…!)
Hi Janet. I’ve responded to James who messaged me about doing a talk: yes I can speak about my trash-picked TV experiences tomorrow evening. I’ve registered for FixFest. Does the technology work OK with Linux and Android tablets? Thanks.