Calling all UK repair groups and fixing enthusiasts

I think most of us are aware that the UK is the second highest producer of electrical waste per person in the world. What some may not know is that it’s on track to take the top spot in coming years, despite our efforts!

Part of the reason is that the UK is falling behind other countries when it comes to repair and reuse policy. It’s a bit embarrassing frankly, not to mention bad for the environment and consumers.

So we’ve spent the last few months working with communities, charities and companies around the UK to create a new Repair and Reuse Declaration, which launched yesterday.

Already, nearly 150 groups have signed up, calling on the UK government to make it easier for people to repair products and pass them on to others for a second life. We’ve even had signatures from Conservative, Labour and Lib Dem MPs.

The policies we’re promoting are wildly popular, enjoying the support of 79-85% of the population. Together, they could help us tackle climate change, cut down on waste and save people money.

So today we’re inviting everyone in the UK to take action: please ask your MP to sign it. With our online tool, it’s super simple and takes a matter of seconds!
The UK Repair & Reuse Declaration: read it and email your MP

If you represent a community repair group or other reuse organisation, please sign the Declaration too:
Sign the Declaration.

There’s likely to be a general election next year, so let’s use this chance to put repair on the political agenda!