Webinar: Right to Repair in the UK (13 Feb, 7pm UK time)

Hi everyone,

Tomorrow, (Thursday the 13th of February, 7-8pm), we’re teaming up with some of our partners in the Community Repair Network to talk about the state of Right to Repair in the UK how we’re taking the campaign forward in 2025.

We’ll not only cover our findings and policy recommendations from some of our recent research, but also a number of other measures included in the UK Repair & Reuse Declaration.

We’ll also outline how you can get involved, whether as a community group or as an individual.

Edit: this session has now ended, but you can see the recording here

Hope to see lots of you there!



I saw this the other day and then my ADHD brain completely forgot about it! Presumably it was recorded and we can watch back? Hope session went well

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7 posts were split to a new topic: Promoting repair & reuse over recycling at waste facilities

A post was merged into an existing topic: Promoting repair & reuse over recycling at waste facilities

Hi Edwina, yep, it was recorded. I’ll post a link here once we’ve processed it during the week :slight_smile:

For anyone who missed it (or wants a refresher), here’s the recording of this session (and here are the slides).

And here are some of the key links we shared:

Take action

Supporting materials