Virtual Repair Workshop at PLATE 2021 Limerick IRL


We’re holding a very special Zoom Fixit Clinic as a workshop at this year’s Product Lifetimes and the Environment (PLATE) virtual conference from the University of Limerick (
The workshop is hosted by our own Global Fixers @Jessika_Richter at Lund University and Jonathan Krones at Boston College.

It’s scheduled for mid-afternoon in Ireland on Friday May 28: 2:30PM IST (13:30 GMT/UTC/19:00 IST/15:30 CEST/14:30 BST/9:30 EDT/8:30 CDT/7:30 MDT/6:30 PDT); note the early morning start time for North America; a concern is that holding the workshop on a Friday mid-afternoon in Ireland will mean weak participation from the Americas.

  • Can you be a repairer at this workshop, especially if you’re in the UK, Europe, Africa, or Ireland? And get other repairers in your local groups to sign up too, even as observers? Please sign in on the fixer/observer sign-in at:

  • Can you find participants in your local community with broken items to present, especially if you’re in the UK, Europe, Africa, or Ireland? Please have them register at

Looking forward to seeing you there, -Peter

Peter Mui @
+1 408 647 5790
Because repair is a superpower we just have to bestow on everyone