Support us today and double your impact with The Big Give

We’re incredibly excited to announce that Restart been selected by The Big Give for their Green Match Fund this year.

That means for the next 7 days (from now until 12pm on 27 April - that includes Earth Day), they will automatically double any donation made to us! :star_struck:

We’re thrilled that they recognise the importance of repair for people and planet and are keen to make the most of this rare opportunity.

If you value this website, have benefited from the repair community or want to support the further spread of repair around the world, please consider donating :pray:

Donate x200%

You can also help support us by sharing the donation page with friends, family and colleagues.

Thank you for your support!
James and the whole Restart Team: Ugo, Fiona, Neil, Shelini, Holly, Frances, Cristina and Mario.

A HUGE thank you to everyone who donated to us through the Big Give! :green_heart:

We were humbled that 118 of you were generous enough to donate and even more shared our campaign, making a massive impact! ⁠We can’t wait for what’s coming next and to make the repair community stronger than ever! :hammer_and_wrench:

Thank you! :pray: