Sign and share this open letter calling for more transparant corporate sustainability reports

Next year, corporate sustainability reporting will be mandatory by law for any company with more than 500 employees in the EU.

This sounds great, but as we know from our own work wading through corp-talk and greenwashing, the way companies report on their impacts matters just as much as what they say. Burying PDFs inside a corporate report with unlabelled pie charts is not exactly helpful (looking at you HP :roll_eyes:).

A group of organisations have come together to produce an open letter to the EU to call for F.A.I.R. open data reporting principles to be written into the law:

This more open kind of reporting is badly needed, so weโ€™ve just co-signed this letter as Restart. If youโ€™re involved with an organisation that uses corporate data (or simply agrees with these demands), please do consider signing too and sharing with others.

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