software updates (changelog)

July to Nov 2021

It’s been a while since I posted about what we’ve been working on behind the scenes. But work hasn’t stopped! Here’s a summary of the most important updates we’ve made to Restarters since June…

:bar_chart: Updated environmental stats

After a 6-month project to find new environmental data, we updated the environmental calculations used to measure the impact of your events. This was a huge piece of work and has big implications for your group and event stats! In short, we…

  • Updated all existing environmental data for powered devices
  • Added environmental data data for 10 categories for the first time (including for unpowered items)
  • Added 7 new product categories
  • Changed the way we estimate the impact of repairing miscellaneous items
  • Recalculated the impact stats for every event and group

Read the full details here

:star2: New Features

  • When creating a new event, you can now press a button to set the event location to your group’s location (instead of typing it out manually)
  • When listing an online event, you can now add a link (e.g. to a registration page or Zoom call) and no longer need a physical address. This link will appear on your event page

:wrench: General improvements

  • We now show you a more useful and comprehensive selection of groups in your area on the dashboard and on the groups nearby page
  • Group hosts: you can now see your events awaiting moderation
  • When signing up to Restarters, you are now returned to where you were before (e.g. the Workbench or Talk)

:globe_with_meridians: Localisation

:busts_in_silhouette: Features for networks

  • Networks can now choose whether or not they want to approve events before they appear live
  • We’ve developed a prototype dashboard for network coordinators to monitor the number of events and groups in their network over time

:bug: Bug fixes

  • If you RSVP to an event, you will now be able to edit that event’s devices again
  • We exterminated a veritable ecosystem of 34 other bugs, big and small

:bulb: Suggest new features and vote for other people’s ideas in Feature requests

:bug: Report any bugs or errors you find in Bug reports

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