Publicity of Events in the Facebook page

What is the correct procedure for getting events publicised on the Facbook page here please,

Would like to get all of the Leicestershire Outreach programme groups on there.
Does it happen automagically if the event is placed on for example or is some other action required?

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Ha! @Divya_Pujara this is not magic, and it’s not automated. It’s the amazing work of volunteer @Sophie_Hudson who we have not met offline yet! We invited her to Fixfest from her Yorkshire home, but she couldn’t make it.

Three cheers for Sophie! :clap:

Sophie, Divya and @Marie_Lefebvre have helped start numerous new groups in Leicestershire and would love your help in spreading the word.

Hip Hip Hoorey!
Hip Hip Hoorey!
Hip Hip Hoorey!
Awesome Thanks @Janet and Thanks @Sophie_Hudson great work, I’ll try and connect with you on Facebook so that the groups can share the events, the next one is this saturday 6th Coalville fixers, and the one after that will be Harborough Fixers on 17th August, bot groups are easily accessible on Facebook. please let me know how you would best like the info to help you form the posts on the Facebook page. Thank you.
Divya (Co-founder Leicster Fixers)

Aaw, thanks, @Janet. I’m sure we will meet one day!
@Divya_Pujara and @Marie_Lefebvre, the easiest way for me to get the word out is if I see an event listed on the Restart Project parties page, I look for it on Facebook, then share it to our main page. Another option might be to tag us as an extra host if the date is looming, as I generally only manage to update FB on a Sunday evening. Alternatively, you could email on FB to let me know it’s there. I’ve now added the Coalville event to our page, but haven’t been able to find the one for Harborough on FB?
Hope this helps. I used to live in Leicester, so thrilled that you’re doing this! :sunglasses:
Best, Soph.


Thank you @Sophie_Hudson I’ll make sure all out groups know. Market Harbouroughs date and venue has only just been decided so should be up soon. ooo-xxx
Attain: @steve.cousens, @Tony_Cullen, @Marie_Lefebvre. @steven_charles

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