Our friends at Circular Communities Scotland* have launched a really cool campaign to increase awareness of sharing and repair initiatives in Scotland.
It’s called #ShareRepairAware and is running all week (30 Jan - 3 Feb, 2023).
As part of the campaign, they’ve put together a quiz to test people’s knowledge about what sharing and repair projects do:
Take the quiz!
(link to the quiz here: https://aea1kyldm7b.typeform.com/to/YTfCQ66r)
(I scored 14/14 and feel very proud of myself )
The point is to help people better understand what we all do at community repair events (and sharing libraries) as well as point people in Scotland to their nearest Repair Cafés and so on. It’s a nice idea and I’m sure they’d welcome your support on social media.
Learn more about the campaign here:
*Circular Communities Scotland is a charity that supports community groups and social enterprises in Scotland that work to promote the circular economy: repair, reuse & recycling. They run the Scottish Share & Repair network, which brings together Repair Cafés, sharing libraries and others based in Scotland.