Introducing a new way to share your impact!

Thanks Keith! We’ll make a note of those specs for our debugging and let you know :pray:

I think the positive message is good - we don’t want to be seen as nagging people about their carbon footprint, but at the same time I think we need both the carrot and the stick. And driving and flying are more relatable. Just how significant is planting a tree? Nobody knows, but everybody knows how many flights they take. Nor do we want to encourage complacency: “I’m alright - I planted a tree!”

Would it be more impactful to turn the statement round? 10 years is a long time. “You mean it’ll take 10 years for my contributionto have an effect??” Perhaps instead: That’s like the 10 year impact of growing n tree seedlings. (The end of a sentence it what hits you. Just a thought.)

Also, the first two infographics, could they just have green leaves??

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Tried it out on Mastodon the other day and it was quite popular, couple of dozen likes and boosts!

Naturally I have suggestions for the viz… time/resources permitting ofc:

  1. Download filename to include stats type, and date? “stats.png” is a bit anonymous and the group stats would overwrite event stats. For filing purposes and easy identification when posting, e.g. restart_group_20240124.png and restart_event_20240106.png (Could also include group number?)
  2. Render the date the image was generated? Or in the case of a single event, the event date? Could be small, at the bottom? (Optional?)
  3. Group name? Ofc some group names are long and unwieldy and probably hard to read when image resized on a mobile device. Can imagine this one being impossible to do well.

Any thoughts? :slightly_smiling_face:

That would be nice :slight_smile:

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Hi James

The infographic stats cards look great. Many thanks to you and the Restarters team for all your hard work getting this together. Looking forward to being able to share the stats card images for individual Repar cafe events on Facebook and Instagram. Any plans to have the stats cards available in other languages?


Thanks for the feedback everyone, it’s great to hear your thoughts!

I’ll work through these one by one…

Glad you like the positive message. I think our aim was to use a metric that somehow felt like this work adds something extra, rather than compensates for other sources of emissions. I agree that we don’t want to encourage complacency. That’s actually one of our motivations for the change; we felt that ‘equivalent to driving x km’ can give the impression that it would now ok to drive that distance because the emissions have been somehow “offset”. Driving is more relatable for many, agreed. But is also a bit tricky, as it depends so much on the type of car (e.g. especially whether it’s electric or petrol etc.).

We discussed this in more detail here: How can we help you communicate your climate impact?

Thanks for this suggestion. The ‘10 years’ was intended to have the opposite effect! More of a “wow, instead of growing n trees for 10 years, those repairs took a few hours and had a similar impact.”

We can consider rephrasing that sentence, though we’d also need to consider how different wording would change the design and translations (and the implications for the code that generates it).
I’d be curious to hear others’ thoughts on this too!

Interesting! I really like the black leaves and think they look more stylish than the green trees (despite having designed the green trees myself :sweat_smile:)

I could potentially prepare a mock-up of how this would look, but we might struggle to find the time to change the designs on the platform. For a start, we’d need to prepare and export 120 discrete images (every possible permutation for those two designs). If we end up needing to make other changes, we could consider doing this.

This makes sense to me, but I have no idea how feasible that is. A question for @neil :slight_smile:

I can also see the value in doing these. Though it would involve changing all of the designs to accommodate the new elements. And your point about the complexity of adding the group name is a good one - I suspect it would be really tricky to accommodate all the edge cases.
With our current capacity, I suspect these would both be a bit beyond what we can do at the moment. So for now, we’d strongly recommend adding those bits of info to any social media posts that include the image.

The cards are currently available in English and French. We started with those because those are (by far) the most spoken languages for people who use Restarters. We could certainly consider adding new languages if there’s demand for it :slight_smile:

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Great work and lovely to have and share.
Just one question:

Will the homepage graphics on the restart project also be linked with this new look at some point? e.g. Repair Café Portsmouth - The Restart Project

Good question Clare. We’re not currently planning on doing this in the near future. In the longer-term, we are considering updating the sharable iFrames with the new designs, which we could then add to groups’ pages on our main website.

Is this a high priority for you?

Hi Keith,

We’ve released a fix for the bug you reported. It should now work as expected :crossed_fingers:
Let us know if it’s still a problem for you

To be honest, I think I’d probably just open the graphic that you’ve done for socials, copy and paste it to drop into our website or e-newsletters etc. I only spotted your website graphic was still the car, as I went there to look for something else. So not a priority on my part.

Ok, good to know. Thanks Clare!

Yes, I’d prefer something a bit more descriptive than just stats.png. Should be straightforward to do something dynamic. I’ll add in a follow-up for it. Thanks!


Sorry for the slow reply…

Personally I agree with @philip: the car/flying stats may be more relatable than tree planting especially to a wider audience.
You could avoid the “offset” connotation by saying something like “That’s equivalent to not driving an average car for X km” or “That’s the same as not manufacturing 2.5 sofas” :rofl:.

Could we not have a choice of equivalences and graphics so that groups could decide how to present them and allow them to display the stats in different ways?

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Hi @Dave - Thanks - I thought I was alone on this. I’d at least like to know the equivalences. I haven’t the slightest notion of how many trees you have to plant to offset a return transatlantic flight or how far you can drive for one tree. I can’t say the sofa equivalence was ever very meaningful to me.

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I’m liking the tree stat. I have no idea exactly how big a hectare is, but 129 of them filled with trees sounds pretty good.

But @Neil - lots of things can “sound pretty good” which aren’t!

I had no idea either, and never really got to know even how big an acre is. No doubt a farmer could look at a field and say “Yeah, that’ll be about 5 acres”, but not me.

So I’ve just looked it up. A hectare is 10,000m2, or 100m square. Near enough a square with sides 100yds. A bit easier. And 100 yds I believe is the distance between the III, II and I signs approaching a motorway exit.

Working backwards, it seems:
1 tree = 60kg CO2
1ha = 200 trees = 12000 kg CO2

1 tree = 300 miles driving
16.5 trees = 1 transatlantic flight.

A football pitch is 7140m2 so could grow 145 trees and offset 8700kg CO2 or offset 18 months driving at 30,000 miles/year.

(Anyone like to check my maths?)

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Thanks for sharing these thoughts @Dave and @philip. I think you’re right that more people can relate directly to driving or flying as more common activities than planting/growing trees. And initially, we did consider giving groups the option to choose whether they wanted a consumption-based equivalency or a mitigation one. In practice, we didn’t have the resources to do both so we had to pick one.

We did quite consciously want to move away from driving in order to make the figures more future-proof (given internal combustion engine cars will be increasingly phased out over the coming years) and also more universal - i.e. consistent across all countries where activities take place. (It also neatly avoids the kilometres vs miles contention for people in the UK and USA :sweat_smile: )

It’s true that flying is more straightforward. So that would likely be the way we’d go if we were to reintroduce a consumption-based equivalency. Though one small issue is that it might not work well for small amounts of CO2e (e.g. the amount saved from one event), so we’d probably need a second metric that doesn’t involve vehicles or electricity-use (for the same reason).

Philip, yep! A hectare is indeed a square with 100m sides, or roughly the same as Trafalgar Square in London. The visualisations that use hectares do have a basic scale on the right hand side to offer a bit more context, though perhaps they’re not super obvious…

You’re right about the tree seedling metric: we’re using 1 tree seedling grown over 10 years equates to about 60kg of CO2 sequestered. Our source for this is the US Environmental Protection Agency, which itself draws from a couple of sources:

The other metric (hectares planted) is derived from an entirely different source, and is therefore not comparable with the tree seedling metric. It simply looks at hectares of forest planted (rather than individual trees). But it does equate to around 12 tonnes of CO2 sequestered per hectare per year, as you deduce.

The source for this is some research carried out by Winrock for their Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) Carbon Storage Calculator and published here:

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Thanks so much for your work on updating the visuals and data on the Fixometer which we actively use monthly. From the start (now 11 sessions we have recorded outcome of unpowered items eg sewing). Can you confirm that these are recorded in overall calculation results and if sewing, woodwork etc is listed as unpowered skill.

Hi Edwina - it’s wonderful to hear you upload data every month! Repaired unpowered items do indeed count towards the group’s total impact stats :slight_smile:

@neil in your post about the updates you said that the French version was updated for events data downloads. Did you mean this ?

Or the csv data file that restart parties can download ?

If so, how can I translate the sentence that’s still in english below the drawing of trees?
Thanks !

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Hi @Florine_Paquay

I was referring to the CSV data file of events that you can download -

If so, how can I translate the sentence that’s still in english below the drawing of trees?

I’ve got a feeling that this might be complicated based on how we build the image - but I’ll have a look into it :slight_smile: