I’ve just learned that Zero Waste Scotland is running Pass it on Week on 7-15 March – “an annual week celebrating all things re-use (swapping, borrowing, renting, second hand, donating and repairing)”.
They encourage everyone involved with promoting re-use whether it be by sharing thei messages on social media, putting up posters or holding events such as swap shops, donation drives, table top sales or repair cafes. This might be of interest to @Repair_Cafe_Glasgow@4ndy@Felipe_Fonseca and others!
The theme for 2020 will be “ The Great Toy Rescue ”, so they’re particularly (but not exclusively) interested to see anything that reduces the huge amount of toys wasted
To find out more, there are two options:
Tuesday 28th January 2020 – Stirling – from 10am-3pm.
Friday 31st January 2020 – Webinar – from 10am-11am
Hi, Yes I’m part of the team working on Pass it on Week. You might be interested that a few years ago we did a bit Electrical amnesty - where we provided collection boxes to anyone that wanted them in Scotland and people donated unwanted electrical items. We then worked with 3 companies (CCL North, Re-tek and Moray Waste Busters) who picked them up and re-used what they could or recycled the rest. There were a few issues, but it was about raising awareness of the value of electrical items, and from that point of view we think it was worthwhile. There’s a ‘how to’ guide that tells you a bit more on the long list of documents on the right-hand side of the page at www.passitonweek.com. Any questions, just contact me at miriam.adcock@zerowastescotland.org.uk. Thanks for flagging this Ugo
Thanks for the heads-up @Ugo! I’m in Dundee researching ‘smart cities’ within the OpenDoTT project, and focusing precisely on waste and reuse. Unfortunately I will abroad and busy in late January, so won’t be able to attend the meeting in Sterling or the webinar. But would like to contribute anyway. @Miriam_Adcock I’ll email you about it then.