Improving the Restart Party Kit & making it easier to record data

Some great suggestions here, thanks @Ian_Barnard and @Steve_Cook.

Registration form / spreadsheet template
This is something we’ve talked about in the @Staff-team. Providing a registration form certainly has the potential to improve the quality of data collected, which would be really valuable, as you mentioned Steve. I know this is something @Wouter_Sterkens has done some work on. Wouter, would you be able to share the template you put together for the Leuven Marathon the other week?

I think this topic tends to revolve around a few key questions:

  1. how willing are repairers to fill out paperwork while/after working on a device?
  2. do we want to maintain some kind of public list at the event (like the classic Restart flipchart) so that participants can see what else is going on (and where they are in the queue)?
  3. If we do ^, would having a flipchart and registration forms feel like duplication of effort?

For number 1 I like your idea, Steve, of the participant and repairer completing the form together. This could be an interesting way to involve the participant in the repair (especially if it’s too tricky for them to be particularly hands-on) and introduce them to some of the wider issues around barriers to repair.

What do others think?

There’s a separate discussion about uploading a spreadsheet automatically to the Fixometer.

Restart Party Kit
Some really great points here Ian. I agree that the kit probably doesn’t do enough at the moment to enthuse potential organisers. We could certainly tailor it more and put more emphasis on practical tools (than, say, branding). This is something we’re starting to do in other places (such as this thread) and it makes sense to review the kit through this lens too.

Another project in the works is some automated design tools for groups (to generate posters etc.), though this is some way off yet.