I can't do an input to a past Repair event

I’m a little bit late with the input of the data of my last Repair event. I cant’t do no input any more… Is there a problem?

The event: Repair Oostende (Belgium) / Ter Yde 10/02/24

Hi Elsy,

Sorry about that - you should be able to add data to your past events.

We’ll have a look into why it isn’t working for you.

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It is only possible to add data to an event if you are a host of the group.

The only host of your group at present is Rob:

Rob could make you a host of the group, if needed, and then you will be able to add data also:

Hope that helps - let me know if any question :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the quick reply. Everything o.k. now. I’ve made a new password.

Greetings, Rob


Great, glad it’s all OK for you now :+1: