Hello, my name is Shaquel Simpson-Kothari, and I want to turn the average person at home into a technician.
I’m a computer programmer, and I have been working on a new project of mine called Phone Biddy.
Phone Biddy is a free web application that connects people who have broken phones to technicians, currently, the web application is at stage beta version 1.1, with a fully functionally CRM (customer relationship management) here is a list of features it has
Book in a Device (Add customers on your system and book them in)
Manage Team (Manage your staff)
Search Articles (Find information that can help you solve a problem with a device or tech news)
Create Articles (Post useful information about the right to repair movement, how to fix, or tech news to help the repair community)
I plan on launching Phone Biddy to the consumer (person with a broken device) at beta version 1.5, and this is how it will work
Enters their postcode
The model number of the device
Problem with the device
See’s active technicians online
Waits a couple of minutes for quotes
Chooses the technician of choice and confirms the booking
Receives notification of the local customer
Receives information about the model and problem with the device
Places their quote (no other technicians can see)
Waits to be selected, if chosen confirms the booking
I would like to innovate a syllabus with some smart technicians to teach people how to repair phones, I can imagine them being on a course where they will get the following.
Tools to repair
A phone to dismantle
I’m sure you know what they need to be able to achieve this plan I have.
I would like you to join me at Google meets on the:
Date: 7th January 2021
Time: 10 am - 10:30 am
Link: https://meet.google.com/uzg-jdfv-irj
How to create a free account with Phone Biddy: https://bit.ly/3rIpbJx