Great uses of your group's Fixometer data

We loved what Crystal Palace Fixers did here, creating an album with their stats from the year. (@Steve_Cook, perhaps you can tempt Alys and the team onto this forum?)

And @Kaja_Juul_Skarbo and Restarters Oslo have an elegant page too - nice illustration :slight_smile:

To other groups, how do you use your repair data?

Hey - I’m here now! Thought I had come over when I signed up a few months ago, but for some reason didn’t come through properly.

Thanks @Janet! We had some great images and were proud of the stats, so wanted to do something fun to display them on social media. I also made this one for our Facebook group:

These are super easy to whip up on Canva - you don’t have to have any special graphic design skills.

Big thanks to you guys for the Fixometer - love that we can get this data :slight_smile:


It’s our pleasure! From the beginning group organisers have been keen to have a simple overview of their impact in repairing e-stuff.

We’re also going to be surveying event organisers really soon about how we can most sensibly help them repair non e-stuff - we’ve heard the demand and we’re responding :slight_smile:

We are going to do more to open up opportunities to dive into our data in the new year, looking at what we’re learning from the data across the wider network. We’ll also experiment more with dataviz and storytelling with data, so watch this space!