And that’s a wrap! Thank you to the 300 or so people who “attended” Fixfest UK over the past month.
We finished last night with a brilliant session by @neil @monique @ugo @Stuart_Ward about our repair data, and how it’s useful at a local, regional, national and international scale.
Recording what we discussed
We’ll have recordings ready to share by the end of the month. In the meantime, notes links are at the top of this thread, and slides are here.
We had 11 sessions total - ICYMI, you can listen to the keynote by Josh Babarinde of Cracked It, London social enterprise teaching at-risk youth how to fix mobiles - on our podcast.
Other highlights
@Chris_Moller’s demo of his component tester - to the delight of many assembled fixers
@Repair_Cafe_Wales and @Clare_Seek’s highly participatory session on adult learning - we all got involved
- The highly competitive Glasgow Quiz by @Repair_Cafe_Glasgow , where we learned that the Govan Hogbacks were NOT a heavy metal band from Glasgow
- Jennie Caminada’s sewing machine “Ask Me Anything” - such great energy and wisdom!
@ugo telling the Commons Environmental Audit Committee that industry will fight regulation “tooth and nail” - with industry lobbyists visibly uncomfortable on the screen
- @Felipe_Fonseca’s takedown of the corporate “smart city” agenda
- Lightning Talks Compere Dave Green’s amazing microphone
@Tony_Brown’s top tips for trash-picking TVs
@Chris and Lee’s story about the first piece of toast ever made at Repair Cafe Belfast
- @monique’s tour of Dutch and German repair data - such complexity and precision!
Please give back to the community
Here are three things you can do to give back to the community and help promote our cause of better, more repairable products!
- Please take a couple of minutes to send us your feedback to make future Fixfests even better!
Help out with our new online data project, MobiFix
you can spare 30 seconds or a couple of minutes. You can do this while on hold to your utility company, or waiting for something
We’re launching a drive to get missing data in the Fixometer! 1/3 repair events in the year prior to March are missing data
please get in touch if we can help you enter some of the missing data. This data will help us push for more repairable products here in the UK and in Brussels.
… And lastly, see you in Glasgow for #COP26?
No really. We’re serious about a repair fringe event in November 2021. Please like this post if you’d like to join, or send us a message.