Data visualisations using D3 and Fixometer data


Several people at the Open Data Dive on Saturday mentioned that they were playing with the D3 library in order to visualise some of the Fixometer data.

Which inspired me to spend a little time with a basic dataset and some basic D3 layouts. I’ve put them online here. Not entirely beautiful or useful in themselves but as examples of getting the repair data into a format for D3 layouts they serve as reasonable starting points.

Feel free to re-use the code, its vanilla javascript and html. Link to download the dataset is on the front page - devices.json, which is a set of results from a Solr query btw. Be aware that my examples use d3.v4 and are not compatible with other versions.

If you would like alternative datasets please post your requirements and don’t be shy about showing off your results!

There was some interest in a skillshare event specifically geared towards using Fixometer data with D3. If that would be of interest to you please mention it in this thread, also whether you’d be likely to attend in person or online.


Thanks @monique one immediate improvement could be to colour code the data by repair status. (I’d have to spend a good long while to figure how to do that, otherwise I would try!)

A skillshare on the repair data could be really interesting! @Ten let’s if there is interest in London, and we could also try and open out the skillshare to remote particiption, learning some lessons from the Data Dive.

OK I did some colouring in. Now with added donuts. And a word cloud.