Collaborating with hackspaces & makespaces - with Stuart (FabLab)

When & where?

:clock330: 15:30-16:15
:compass: FabLab

Why you should come to this session

The hacker mentality is the same for repair and for making. Understanding how things work is the first step in both fixing them or re-purposing them.

Session outline

This will be a free form discussion about the synergy between hackspaces and Repair Cafe / Restart Party activities. How we can help each other.

About the facilitator(s)

I am @Stuart_Ward one of the founding member of and help start the Reading Repair Cafe which has now been running for 3 years.

Help us document this session!

This is a wiki post, meaning anyone can edit it by clicking on the ‘Edit’ button at the bottom of this post: Edit%20button . Feel free to make edits and add your own notes :wink:
You’re also welcome to leave comments below to help us document the session, e.g.:

  • what happened in the session?
  • what did you learn or find interesting?
  • who did you talk to and did any actions come out of the conversation?