After reading a number of reports from around the world about broken equipment hampering efforts to treat COVID-19 patients, members of the Restart team have spent the last couple of days with a number of volunteers from the community intensively diving into the world of repair of critical care medical equipment. Our research-from-home raised some really concerning questions.
We urgently need to understand this issue better to learn whether we could make the case for the release of repair manuals and designs of spare parts no longer supplied (or where supply chains have broken down or are delayed).
Please pass on the following questionnaire to any contacts you have who may have information about the state of COVID-19 hospital equipment (anywhere in the world):
We’re also keen to hear from any medical technicians (active or retired) who can shed some light on these issues. They are welcome to reach us by posting here or via email.
For any questions, please post below and tag @Janet and @ugo.