By default, Discourse (the software this forum uses) awards badges to members for participation.
You can see the full list here.
How does everyone feel about these?
Here are some pros and cons (this post is a wiki, so feel free to add your own):
- Can encourage new members to become involved and reward them when they do
- Can help new members get a quick idea of who is who in the community (e.g. by distinguishing more established members from newer ones)
- We could potentially create our own badges for community-specific activity, especially when this platform is linked to the Fixometer (e.g. has attended ‘x’ repair events, ‘is a member of a local group’, ‘has created an entry on the repair wiki’ etc.)
- Some people find badges annoying or generally don’t like them. This could mean they backfire by discouraging some to participate
As I see it, there are 3 options - feel free to vote (and post to explain your choice)
- Keep badges as they are
- Keep badges, but change them (e.g. remove some, create new ones)
- Get rid of badges completely
0 voters