12 October 2018 10:09
To continue this conversation, I wanted to link to your write up of your Fixfest UK session @Panda on ‘(Better) repair events for neurodivergents & anyone lacking spoons’.
It looks like you collectively came up with some really useful suggestions for ways to accommodate neurodiversity:
Some recommendations (mostly for hosts):
Advertising the venue features such as noise level, lighting so that fixers can decide whether it’s a venue they can work in
Arrange the tables to ensure that there’s a quieter corner, preferably without neon lighting
Ensure that fixers are in the space most suitable for them (possibly outdoor if suitable)
Make sure that fixers are ok, that they have a drink and take breaks
Pair people so one can buffer issues for another
Ask fixers for their accessibility needs
When to accommodate/reject someone; if someone is competent to fix but can’t integrate with the team/organisation try to figure this early. Rejection can have dramatic effect on some; consider safeguarding issues
Organise debrief after events to find out what worked and what didn’t
See the full notes here
As you suggested, it would be good to think about how we can incorporate these to the Restart Party Kit .