Blocking notifications from some nearby groups

I receive notifications from ‘A new group near to you’, which is fine, however one such group is ‘Rosie the Restarter’, which I obviously can’t participate in. It would be nice to have an option to block notifications on a per group basis for those that are selected as being nearby.

Hi Panda,

I can understand that it’s not ideal to receive notifications about the creation of a new group nearby that you can’t join.

It’s worth knowing that after the initial “there’s a new group near you” notification, you will only receive further notifications from that group if you join/follow it.

Note: we’ve renamed ‘join’ as ‘follow’ in most places on the Fixometer

So, you shouldn’t receive any more notifications from the Rosie group (although you may still see their events in your ‘Upcoming events’ section on the Dashboard).

Does that answer your request?

I’ve deleted most such emails, but I still have two in my Trash and I think the Rosie may have been a special case as from these two emails the Rosie events were part of the Restart HQ group and are now a separate group.

That said the logic of one email for a new group near you and then nothing may be too aggressive, especially as it is not clear. I can see as a common case, that I wouldn’t act on a first message for a new group that may well interest me, but I’m not available on that occasion and then would miss out on them completely. You may want to add a box out with text along the lines of ‘If you don’t follow this group now, you will not receive any more emails about it’.

Of course it would make sense to have the same granularity for the RSS feeds if/when these are implemented as for these email notifications if the implementation can be shared between the two.